Tuesday 27 March 2012

Film Magazine

Film Magazine Sketch

Scarlet's Revenge Poster

Scarlet's Revenge Poster Sketch

Story Board

A2 Video Production Remote survey

Questionnaire Findings


How old are you?
12-15   16-19   20-24   25+
Male    Female
What is your favourite Horror genre?
Supernatural      Gory      Thriller      True story    Horror    Sci-fi
Do you watch the trailer before seeing a movie?
Yes    No
If yes, then why?

Where do you watch films?
Cinema         Internet            TV       
How often do you watch horror films?
Daily       Weekly         Monthly         Rarely
What’s the best advertising for a new horror film? _
Billboard   poster    TV     Magazine    Trailer
What was the last horror film you saw?

Do have a favorite actor/actress that you like to see in horror films (please state who and why)

What is your favourite horror film?

What is your least favourite horror film?

How do you like to find out about horror films (please state why)

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Project Proposal

Project proposal

Name: Olivia Ryan
Title of Film: Scarlet’s Revenge

Who am I working with?

  • Olivia
  • Gifty
  • Agne
  • Holly

What is your brief?
                Our brief is to make a teaser trailer for a horror film, which will have a running time of 30 seconds to 1 minute. We will produce a film magazine cover which will feature our film & also produce a poster to market our film, as well as a magazine cover and a logo to represent the company screening our film.

How are you splitting the roles?

  • – Executive producer, sound/lighting & actress – Gifty
  • – Editor, camera person & assistant director – Olivia
  • – Producer, assistant director & Photography - Holly
  • –art director & assistant producer- Agne  

Who are the audience?
Our audience for the teaser trailer is 18+ as we believe aiming at this group will allow us to create a trailer so that we can put the shock value back into a high-quality horror teaser trailer as well as create a horrific experience for the younger generation. Create a film they have never seen before.

What have you found out about our audience?
We are going to hand out questionnaires and the data should show that our audience will want an original and unique horror film that challenges the traditional conventions of the horror genre. We have challenged the typical conventions to a horror film. We have done this by creating a woman killer instead it always stereotypically being a male.

Research about existing products:
We have to watch many of the big horror films that have come out such as Saw, Scream, Halloween, Bram Stoker’s Dracula etc. & we will analyse the techniques the editors and directors have used to create a dramatic effect.
We are going to go further by looking into British horror films and how we can make ours innovative and diverse from other British horror films.
We have also evaluated horror teaser trailer through YouTube, to see if any inspiration would come to mind as to what to add in our trailer or to challenge against.

How will you make the film inventive?
Our group is aiming to go against the stereotypes of typical conventions of a horror film in every way we can. Such as location, music, the killer’s motive, gender of the killer etc. we are looking to get this idea as extreme as we possibly can. Instead of the killer being a male we have created a woman killer. Most horror films use typical scenes and settings, for example an empty house, whereas we are filming in less obvious locations.

Second Meeting Mintues

Meeting 2:
Date: Tuesday 28th February 2012
Time: 11:51
Room: Media room
People attended: Olivia, Holly, Gifty and Agne
Purpose: Decide roles of who is doing magazine cover, poster, production logo, editing.
Holly- production logo and editing Olivia- Magazine cover and editing Gifty- magazine cover and editing Agne- work on blog

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Trailer Analysis

Analysis of a Horror film trailer SAW
The Trailer begins with the Sound of distressed voices, which then descends into screams. This implies to the audience that a ‘killer’ has struck and is inflicting pain and suffering on the victim. There is then the sound of a heartbeat which speeds up. This creates tension and reflects the fear and distress of not only the characters but also the audience as they watch the trailer. The lighting is dark and low key. This portrays elements of fear of the unknown, thus, encouraging the audience to want to see more and find out what’s happening. We are then introduced to the sound and sight of camera flash which illuminates the eerie surroundings, creating a contrast against the pitch black of the room. The audience then see’s the room and events through the eyes of the ‘photographer’ or ‘victim’. He then asks, ‘’is someone there?’’ A close-up of the jigsaw killer is then shown quickly as another flash from the camera; this illuminates the inside of a cupboard where the killer is hiding. There is then Extreme close-up of the faces of the Jigsaw killer’s victims (young woman wearing a head brace) to enhance the horror and distress of the victims. It also shows the audience how horrific the situation is which creates a sense of fear. The speed at which the clips are shown builds towards the end of the trailer to create a terrifying climax in which the audience feels inclined to watch more, which makes them want to go to the cinema and watch it. The voice over of ‘Jigsaw’ killer speaks, “Live or die, you decide”. This introduces the audience to the killer in a way that the audience experiences what it feels like to be a victim. The voice is distorted and creepy, which makes him mysterious and almost dehumanised. It also gives the audience an idea of what the plot involves. An iconic image of horror i.e. rusty cages, guns, bullets, chains, knifes and saws; all of which the victims use at some point to escape.  The main characters are introduced after they have been captured by the jigsaw killer. This leaves the audience and the victims wondering where they are, how they got there and what’s going to happen to them. Voice over of the character’s talking about the killer’s techniques- “The jigsaw killer… finds ways for his victims to kill themselves”; another clue into the plot of the film. The majority of the trailer’s sound is non-digetic with voiceovers, and the characters talking. There is also the sound of escape weapons, which ultimately make the audience, feel anxious to find out what’s going on. There is fast paced music towards the end of the trailer. This could reflect not only the victim’s heartbeat but also the audience’s as they watch the trailer and become involved in the tension and suspense.

Friday 27 January 2012

Production Schedule

A2 Production Schedule

Week One
Given brief, brainstorm ideas, begin research into existing horror films, two short summary analysis and front cover collage.

Week Two
Secondary research into existing trailers and films. Highlight key information. 

Week Three
Detailed analysis of a horror film

Week Four
Research two horror films and write a comparative analysis and annotate two existing film poster

Week Five
Detailed analysis of a teaser trailer and trailer. Annotate an existing film magazine cover

Week Six
Form a group of four, have a group meeting and write down minutes- brainstorm potential ideas and finalize roles

Week Seven
Produce a production schedule and group project proposal and a questionnaire

Week Eight
Summary of research findings and discuss potential locations

Week Nine
Produce first draft of storyboard and organise props, actors, locations and equipment

Week Ten
Detailed drafts of poster and film magazine and finalize  storyboard

Week Eleven
First video shoot, review footage and photo shoot

Week Twelve
Second video shoot, review footage and photo shoot

Week Thirteen
Third video shoot, review footage and photo shoot

Week Fourteen
Video editing and final draft of poster

Week Fifteen
Video editing and final draft of magazine

Week Sixteen
Refine video editing and final draft of magazine cover

Week Seventeen
Begin first draft of evaluation

Week Eighteen

Week Nineteen

Week Twenty
Complete final draft of evaluation

Friday 6 January 2012

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting 1:
Date: Friday 6th January 2012
Time: 10:15
Room: Media room
People attended: Olivia, Holly and Gifty
Purpose: ideas for trailer e.g. actors, props, possible locations, story boarding and name of the movie. Name of movie “Scarlet’s Revenge” Locations: hospital, basement, car park and bathroom Actors: Gifty, Anah, Kerri, Will, David and Diwas
                                     Murderer: Anah
                                     Dad: David                                    
                                     Doctors: Gifty, Kerri, Will and Diwas